Description of Area
Large castle ruins owned by English Heritage. Unfortunately we receive no response emails to access the internal castle so we stay in the public areas being the garden area and the entrance to the castle. Please see the floor map below to see the layout of the castle. From where we hunt we can see the courtyard. The gatehouse basements, the rampart terrace, St Margaret's Tower basement and the top floors of east terrace.
Reported Possible Activity
Visuals of many apparitions including the Blue Lady, the White Lady, two brothers, a cavalier, a grey lady and black dogs. Possible EVP (electromagnetic voice phenomenon). Chance of physical encounters. It has been reported that there are residual hauntings as well as intelligent hauntings at this location.
Brief Summary of History or Legend
The castle was built in the 15th century by the Pomeroy family. It was purchased in 1547 by Edward Seymour, brother of Henry VIII's wife Jane Seymour. Lord Seymour bgan building his mansion within the walls in the 1560's however he did not manage to complete this before his passing and so his son continued the build but also failed to complete before his death. The story of the White Lady is that it is the restless soul of Margaret Pomery who haunts the dungeons of St Margaret's Tower. She was believed to have been starved to death by her sister Eleanor. The Blue Lady is said to be a daughter of norman lords who was said to have been raped by her father and pregnant with his child. It is argued as to whether she killed the baby or if it was her father.
Berry Pomeroy Castle- 29/04/2023
Investigation Report
Garden Area
We set up some equipment and some trigger objects at various points around the immediate area. We placed a cat ball on the table behind where we were sitting, a cat ball in the window by the entrance to the castle gates, a cat ball just inside the castle courtyard under the front entrance gates and a K2 EMF on the end of the table we were sat at. We set up the Ouija board, spirit box and Derry did voice recording on her mobile phone.
Opened the board and almost immediately a spirit made contact. Told us it was a female spirit that worked at the manor. She spelt out NZ on the board so Mike asked if she was listening to him and his friend Andy's conversation earlier about New Zealand and that was why she had written NZ. Spirit lady didn’t want to respond. Wouldn’t respond to any questions asked by Mike and stated she was frightened of men. We reassured her that no males that are present will hurt her and the spirit lady indicated that she believed and understood us that she was safe. Did not wish to speak about how she passed. Lady indicated that she was 29 years old. Derry asked if anyone at the table was 29 years old. Spirit replied yes. Asked could she indicate using the planchette who is 29 years old at the table and the lady placed the planchette in front of Derry who nodded that the spirit was correct. Asked the spirit if Derry reminded her of someone she knew. Responded yes. Derry asked who she reminder the spirit lady of - spirit lady spelt out NES. Derry asked if she was meaning someone called Ness but unfortunately the spirit lady had left the board and we had no more responses from her.
A new spirit came to the board. Refused to give their name. Once again the spirit did not wish to communicate with Mike. Spirit didn’t know how to spell but knew numbers. Asked if spirit knew their age and replied yes 27. Asked what year they were born-indicated 1928. Asked what year they died – responded 1928 again. Decided to change conversation. Indicated it was a female spirit, not a child and that they worked at the castle but she then moved the planchette to Goodbye and left the board. Almost instantly another spirit came through. Another female spirit. This lady made Mikes day as she agreed to speak to him!! She claimed that she was not in peace where she is. She wasn’t murdered and didn’t pass due to sickness. She claimed that she didn’t die at the castle. We asked several further questions but had no response so called out if any other spirits wished to communicate with us and the planchette moved to No!! then to Goodbye. Asked for any spirits that wished to talk to us to come forward to the board. Very strong immediate response to Yes. Stated she doesn’t know the blue lady known to haunt the castle. Asked spirit if it was true that the blue lady murdered her baby because it was conceived by her own father spirit answered yes. Spirit lady stated she did not know who the blue lady was in life. The K2 started to flash at the end of our table. Spirit indicated that she was 19 years old. Asked if she could spell her name for us. Planchette spelt out AMA. Derry asked did she mean her name is Amy – No. Ros asked if name was Amber -Yes. Asked what year she passed -1928. Asked if she knew the people we spoke to earlier that said they passed the same year – Yes. Asked how she knew them and stated it was her brother and that they died with others. Said they were murdered then that they were murdered by the same person. When asked how they were murdered stated they were executed but not at Berry Pomeroy and that they thieved and pilfered. They had a link to the castle, not a family or work link and not local to the castle but stated that they were linked to the grounds that Berry Pomeroy is built on. Had no children. At this point the k2 meter flashed to orange. Spirit said she was not at peace. Ros asked if she needed help, response Yes. Asked if she wished to go to the light to find peace spirit said no she didn’t wish to go to the light. We asked if she could light up the cat ball on the table behind us spirit replied Can’t. Mike asked if she had a message for anyone she responded no. Spirit stated she enjoyed having visitors to the castle. We asked if Mr Seymour was still at the castle, spirit lady responded Yes and said Mr Seymour wants to talk to us. The spirit then said Goodbye and left the board. Asked if any spirits were willing to communicate and had Yes response. We asked if this was Edward Seymour, responded Yes. He told us that he loves Berry Pomeroy Castle and doesn’t wish to leave there. We agreed that his Castle is beautiful and told him that thousands of British public visit his Castle every year and thanked him for building it and he responded Yes. Mr Seymour said he enjoyed having visitors to the castle. Mr Seymour informed us that he had no middle name. Derry asked if he could touch some of our equipment and informed him of where they were but no objects were touched. Ros asked him if he had a sister, he responded yes, Ros then asked could he spell out her name for her. Edward said Jane. Ros asked did she marry King Henry the 8th, responded yes. Edward stated that he didn’t like Henry because he treated his sister very badly and tried to encourage Jane not to go ahead with the marriage. Derry aske what year did you die, responded 1068. Derry then asked when were you born, responded 1036 (this information will be researched once back home) Mike asked how did you die. Planchette spelt executed.
Asked were you married but we had no answer. Mike asked if he was harmful answered No. We asked him if it was King Henry 8th that ordered his execution and he responded no. Are you buried near here, Yes. Is there a headstone at your grave, No. We continued with a couple of questions but had no response so moved the planchette to goodbye and verbally thanked him for communicating with us. We had a group of people that were visiting the castle that we were talking with. They asked if they could stay and watch us on the board to which we agreed. We asked if any other spirits wished to come forward before we close the board. Spirit came through, Spirit stated that they are angry that they have passed away and felt it was too early for them. Said they were not linked to the castle but are linked to someone that is with us watching us conduct the board. We asked the spirit if they could indicate who this person is that they are linked to. They moved the planchette to indicate one of the gentlemen that were watching our vigil on the board. None of us had met any of these people before nor had we exchanged names or any personal details. We asked the spirit if he could spell out the persons name using the letters on the board. Spirit spelt out CAMERON. The gentleman was very shocked as this is the correct name spelt exactly as he spells it. Spirit stated that he had a message for Cameron. We asked if the spirit could spell out the name of the person that wishes to give Cameron a message. Unfortunately we had no further response to any questions with this spirit. We then decided to close the board.
Castle Entrance
We then decided to move location to the entry porch in front of the main gates to the castle courtyard. We hadn’t been there long and hadn’t started to set up any equipment and the cat ball that we had placed just under the gate inside the courtyard started to flash. We asked if they could do it again but nothing happened. Derry decided to try the Estes method, this is using headphones to listen to the spirit box, you can also do this whilst wearing a blindfold which would then make it sensory deprivation as you cant see or hear so the surroundings have no impact on what you hear, you then speak out loud any words or sounds that you hear through the headphones, this could coincide with any questions that people may have aske that are present in the room. Whilst listening Derry heard I’m looking. Just before Derry said this Cameron jumped and said something or someone just touched the top of his head. Derry then heard the word Autumn, go, then she heard the sound of a servants bell twice. She then heard stay with us, then the servants bell again, the word Nothing. The last word Derry heard was my home. Whilst Derry was in the midst of the estes method the remaining people that were in the immediate area were talking about the estes method when suddenly mid conversation Ros said did you hear that? Others said no what? Ros said she heard a deep growl. Not long after several others heard the same growl again. After about 5 minutes Derry suddenly decided that she wanted out of the headphones. Once she had removed equipment she said that she heard a deep growl over the sound of the spirit box through the headphones that sounded like it was right next to her. Ros was sat directly opposite Derry and she also heard the same growl. (two of these growls are on EVP recordings and will be posted so stand by for those) Danny, Cameron's Dad that had been watching us during our investigation, said that he heard a voice or noise behind him near the courtyard area that sounded a bit like a muffled woohoo. During Derry's estes session the cat ball under the gate to the courtyard was flashing then some of the people in the area mostly stood at the farthest point away from the courtyard could smell rotten eggs quite strongly but those that were closer to the gates couldn’t smell it and there was only a matter of 3 feet at the most between all of us. The k2 that Ros placed on the floor next to her chair began flashing to amber and lots of activity in the courtyard could be heard. Sounds of footsteps and gravel crunching and muffled voices. Decided to try some glasswork. Placed a cat ball inside an upturned plastic glass on a table. Introduced the spirits to the yes and no ends of the table and called out to spirits to communicate using the glass. The glass was instantly moving very strongly all around the table and always ending up moving towards Derry. Little girl talking to Derry. Very friendly. Said she knows Derry from Derry’s childhood home and that she has stayed with Derry. Spirit said she liked Derry’s new home. Spirit girl also said she recognised Jayk and that someone else at the table had visited Derry’s house. Spirit indicated that person was Ros (correct!!) Said that she had watched me when I was there. She also said she liked Teddies. Derry asked her to step back and allow others to speak to us and said goodbye. Another spirit came through. Female spirit family owned the castle. Asked if they were a Seymour responded yes. Asked if they were married to Edward answered yes. Ros asked is Edward here with us now, lady said yes he is. Ros asked her if she was the one that touched Cameron's head earlier, the lady replied yes because she likes Cameron because he reminds her of Edward. Cameron askes if there are any angry spirits here she responded yes but we are safe they will protect us. Derry asked if they had any children, lady said no. Danny asked if it was her that he saw standing in the window earlier in the evening, the spirit said yes but Danny thought it looked more like a male spirit so possibly Edward. We had no further response from the lady or Edward. Another male spirit came through saying it was them that Danny saw in the window. Said he was angry but not harmful. Said he was killed and that he was held captive in the dungeons of the castle. Danny asked if his face was disfigured, spirit said yes and that it happened in a fire. At this point more noises were heard in the courtyard area, footsteps and crunching gravel. Spirit said it was him that made the growling noises earlier that we heard. He said that the noise in the courtyard is spirits walking around in there but the lady in white is not there neither is the lady in blue. He then said he was walking in the courtyard. We had no further responses from him. We asked if Danny and Cameron wanted to join us on the glass to which they both happily accepted. Another spirit arrives at the table. Not the previous gentleman we were speaking to. Male spirit that knows someone at the table. Asked who he knew and he indicated to Cameron. Cameron asked is this Grandad? Responded yes. Cameron-Did you spoil me? – yes. Were we close?-yes. Did you ever sleep in my room? Yes but not the room you sleep in now. Spirit said he is always with Cameron and that he watches and protects him. He is happy to be with us and knows that we will protect and look after Cameron. Spirit said when he was alive he didn’t believe in ghosts and was a sceptic and that he is shocked that Cameron is here doing this. He said that Cameron is usually a woos!!! (he was a little hesitant when indicating this !!) Danny said Dad if this is you can you tell me did you scare mum when she stayed at my place, responded yes. Derry asked did you mean to scare her, responded yes. Derry asked was Cameron a cute baby, -yes. We asked if Danny and Cameron wanted to try and talk to their relative on the Ouija board and both agreed so set up the board on the table. Whilst we were setting once again there was a lot of activity in the courtyard.
Opened the board with a prayer and asked out to the spirits. Slow to start but Spirit did come through. Cameron said Grandad if this is you can you spell out your name using the letters on the board. Planchette immediately started to move to the letters CLIFFORD. This was confirmed as correct by both Cameron and Danny. Stated he preferred to be called Cliff. Danny asked Dad do I make you proud? Very strong response from spirit saying Yes. Danny asked if he liked his house in Devon but had no response. We asked several more questions but sadly Cliff had left the table so we said our goodbyes and closed the board again with a prayer.
![Castle Entrance](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_83eb998928894e9f80aad1578813e083~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_220,h_119,q_75/024023_83eb998928894e9f80aad1578813e083~mv2.jpeg)
![Castle Ruins](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_bf10c83228a7432288ea12eee335a2de~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_158,h_119,q_75/024023_bf10c83228a7432288ea12eee335a2de~mv2.jpeg)
![View from garden area](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_5d9a69adc6c34598b0fd6e7a2c5022ff~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_399,h_223,q_75/024023_5d9a69adc6c34598b0fd6e7a2c5022ff~mv2.jpeg)
![Gate View](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_39ed3788d4ea48dfbc19e5159e6c0cae~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_398,h_218,q_75/024023_39ed3788d4ea48dfbc19e5159e6c0cae~mv2.jpeg)
![St Margaret's Tower](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_a3df37c933eb4e3cb54012efe5728d3b~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_184,h_103,q_75/024023_a3df37c933eb4e3cb54012efe5728d3b~mv2.jpg)
![Team at Work](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_a0c8f71666184d55aa885f8f08ed11e2~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_398,h_223,q_75/024023_a0c8f71666184d55aa885f8f08ed11e2~mv2.jpg)
![Having fun with lights and exposure](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/024023_e9dbabbed4cc4cd19caa4d64e6f9bd94~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_398,h_296,q_75/024023_e9dbabbed4cc4cd19caa4d64e6f9bd94~mv2.jpeg)
EVP and Spirit Box Evidence
Below are the anomalies we found on our EVP and Spirit Box. These are open to interpretation and your views are more than welcome! Head over to the forum to share your opinions and suggestions.